Why do I exist?

It was an accident. (my mother would kill me if she saw this) But because I am here, I want to become a self-aware child.

Story time


But why?

When we are born we start possessing a series of personality traits. The ones we "should" keep in our adult life we lose and the ones we "should" let go of we keep. As we grow up, a combination of the childish (immature personality traits) combine with a feeling of knowing everything while being lost in life and we lose the desire to explore. That's when we know we become adults! Ta-da! Now, how to fix that?

Step 1
Slap yourself. No kidding. :D But for real.
Step 2
In fact, the first step is a realization 
that we have a desire to wonder about something.
Step 3
And this desire is strong enough to wanting to do something about it.
Step 4
Then we find a way to process our wonders. We create.


Remember to play

Fun stuff (Follow-up)

Serious stuff (Business)

© Juliana Palkova, 2024
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